African brothers and sisters we are the problem

African brothers and sisters we are the problem.

For African it is already struggle please don't make it even harder.

I was desperate to get any job. I was asking around in the African diaspora if anyone knows of any opportunity for work. A friend of a friend direct me to a friend.
Who was looking for cleaner for the club he was managing.
So I got the lead and contacted the guy and he ask me to come and see him later that day in the evening.
So here is part of what happened to me that day. I created this scenario to represent the experience as not everything is how it happened just to give an idea.

I am sorry to say that but in the African community we most of the time complaining that we don’t get opportunities. That we are discriminate compare to others. Yes there little of bit truth in that but we are also part of the problem. Let me explain. Some of us when they are ahead of others instead helping they become the barriers. Screwing others by limiting the opportunities, not sharing making sure they are the only one benefiting from that.
For this case of mine the job was available. I couple of year later I met the guy at an event and reminded him about the incident. And he was telling me that he doesn’t know then. He didn’t want me come and screw his work by everything to take his place. Telling me be aware of African if you give them chance they will repay you with evil and if I manage to get job somewhere decent to make sure to protect myself from those brothers and sisters. I just said what a lot of craps. We need to help each other. It is already difficult like that how much difficult could we make for ourselves.
Only two weeks ago a friend shared with me his experience and it was something little similar to mine that why I decided to share mine.
The most painful is when they take advantage of vulnerable people the new arrived refugees and migrants promising them help and taken their money but deliver the promise and sometimes threaten to report them to the police and so on.

What do you think? Have you personally experienced something similar or do you know of friend who did. Share with us.


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